2 Corinthians 12:9
9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
Some of you know that I am a Taurus. Do you know any other Taurus'? Well, let me tell you about us bulls...We are stubborn!
In order for God to get our attention, He has to go above and beyond to prove His point. Hence the year I've had.
As I was on the floor crying to God to make my hand move I had a realization. It is not that God can't heal me, it is that He won't heal me. So instead of crying for Him to take my pain and suffering away, I paid attention to what He wanted.
I read a book called "What Kind of God do I serve?" written by Ezra Byer. First of all, the way that this book fell into my lap is a story that you can't make up. I met someone on a plane, kept in touch for a year, had spiritual warfare and spoke to my friend about it, he put me in touch with his parents, and his parents sent me this book in the mail. This book changed my relationship with God which in turn changed my life for the good.
Fast-forward to today. I am sitting at a Starbucks in Santa Monica looking at a mountain reflecting on the obstacles that I just overcame. God had to break me down in order to get my attention, and He is trying to get your attention too with whatever keeps you up at night. When you face a storm, don't worry about how you are going to get through this moment in your life, thank God for reminding you that you are loved and that He will always be your source for protection.
As I stood there waiting for the camera man to give me my cue to walk up the stairs to compete on American Ninja Warrior again, I thought about this piece of scripture. I found strength in weakness. I knew I was not as strong as I could be to attack this course. I was fresh out of an injury and mentally I was rocked. The only reason I was even standing there was because God gave me the strength to show up. It wasn't easy. I wanted to give up so many times and I had valid reasons to. I will never forget being 10 days away from competing and I was on bedrest because I woke up with a stiff neck. This forced me to lay down, not exercise, or work, or do anything to prepare me for competition, or so I thought. This was the final battle. I would wake up with more and more pain until one day just a week before competing, I found myself crying on the floor again begging God to take my pain away. Had I not learned anything? As soon as I accepted the situation, practiced patience, and prayed even more, I started getting peaceful and healed again. God really prepared me up until the last week for that moment so when it was time for me to walk up to that course, there was only one thing to do: Have Fun.
When you commit to God and become obedient to Him, your life changes immediately. You begin to feel tested, your faith is being shaken. It is these times that you need to turn to God's word, your obedience to Him, serving others, praising Him through music, and praying in groups of people. Sharing His grace and spreading His glory will bring you all the blessings. Ever since I surrendered my life to God's will, amazing things have been happening. It is almost unbelievable. The opportunities that are flying my way and the success that I am feeling is culminating all so quickly and it is more than I imagined for myself. I am getting invited by the News to do interviews and taking pictures with people in the airports. I get to tell everyone that it is not over yet. I told a group of kids at a rock climbing gym to always go after your goals no matter how many people tell you it isn't possible. What if those moments, I am instilling change in the youth? This is why I am doing what I am doing. I know that God wants me to spark happiness, faith, and peace into our lives and to remind us all of His potential. I say Attack Your Potential, but you have access to God's power so the opportunities are endless. If He can give the blind sight, make people walk, cast out demons, split seas, and breath life into the dead, then He can get you through whatever storm you are in. Just believe that He will, pray for His help, and take a look at your life and how often you sin?
Do your best to be your best and always give the glory to God. He will take care of the rest.
Thanks for reading guys!